IAHPC What's New?
The Department of Pain Medicine and Palliative Care at Beth Israel Medical Center, New York, is pleased to announce the redesign of its website.
Visit at:
The American Psychosocial Oncology Society Announces a New Online Education Program
The American Psychosocial Oncology Society (APOS) is excited to announce its newest online education program, Cancer 101 for Mental Health Professionals now available on the APOS website, www.apos-socie_ty.org
This, free, continuing education program features four presentations to educate mental health professionals about cancer, its treatment, and common symptoms and side-effects:
Cancer Overview: Part I
Cherie Andrews, RN, C., M.A., OCN®
Paul Jacobsen, PhD
Moffitt Cancer Center
Cancer Overview: Part II
Cherie Andrews, RN, C., M.A., OCN®
Paul Jacobsen, PhD
Moffitt Cancer Center
Palliative and Supportive Care
Michael A. Weitzner, MD
Helios Pain & Psychiatry Center
Cancer Pain Management
Jennifer M. Strickland, PharmD, BCPS
Helios Pain & Psychiatry Center
This program is jointly sponsored by the University of South Florida and APOS, with support from the Individual Cancer Assistance Network (ICAN), a philanthropic program of the Bristol Myers-Squibb Foundation designed to build community-based cancer counseling capacity to serve patients and their families. The program has been developed through a generous educational grant from the Bristol Myers-Squibb Foundation.
APOS is also pleased to announce an exciting, new partnership with the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) to offer continuing education social work contact hours to NASW members free of charge for the first three presentations in this program. The National Association of Social Workers is proud to offer this continuing education program to its members to increase awareness of the complexities surrounding the care for patients with cancer. A limited number of continuing education certificates are available free of charge if you are a member of NASW. Please have your member identification number ready when you register to receive your credit.
Each presentation has also been accredited by the University of South Florida . Formal continuing education credits are available free (until June 2006) for psychologists, social workers (for non-NASW members), marriage and family therapists, and mental health counselors.
Please visit www.apos-society.org to view the presentations and complete evaluations and CE tests.
Elliott Graham, Executive Director
Allison Ball, Project Manager
American Psychosocial Oncology Society
2365 Hunters Way
Charlottesville , VA 22911 USA
Telephone: 434.293.5350
Facsimile: 434.977.1856
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.apos-society.org
New Website of the National Council for Palliative Care (NCPC) in the UK
The NEW and recently launched National Council Website (www.ncpc.org.uk) has beaten an all time (internal) record by receiving over 10,000 hits in just 3 weeks.
The new site (designed and developed by Creatiscope Design) is an excellent source of information providing up to the minute news from the world of palliative care. There are fully redesigned areas on Policy, Publications, Subscriptions and Ethics and to mark the 10th anniversary of the National Council calculating Minimum Data Sets (MDS), the MDS forms are online for the first time, enabling service providers to complete and submit their forms online.
The site has been designed to promote NCPC’s new name, new direction and work of the four newly formed Policy Groups. Each Policy Group (Cancer, Circulatory and Respiratory Conditions, Neurological Conditions and Older People Policy Group) is represented on the site by its own section with weekly updates providing responses to national debates and highlighting current NCPC policy work.
The National Council for Palliative Care is the umbrella charity for palliative care in England Wales and Northern Ireland. Its mission is to promote palliative care for all who need it. It promotes the extension and improvement of palliative care services in all health and social care settings and across all sectors to government, national and local policy makers.
Enhancing end-of-life care in long-term care facilities:
Educational materials from the Swedish Medical Center, Seattle, Washington, USA
We received a federal grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to develop an educational program called PERT (Palliative Care Education Resource Team). The goal of the PERT Program is to enhance end-of-life care in long-term care facilities. To achieve this goal, the PERT Program has developed a comprehensive curriculum of educational materials and resources, aimed at enhancing the skills of nurses and nursing assistants who provide end-of-life care.
We now have made these educational materials freely available on our
Website: www.swedishmedical.org/pert
These materials have been shown to be quite valuable for staff development coordinators, nurse educators, and others who provide education to nurses and nursing assistants. We are working to increase awareness of the resources we offer.
Nathan Hansen
Research Coordinator
Swedish Medical Center
Meetings and Courses
2006 American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine and Hospice and Palliative Care Nurses Association’s Annual Assembly
February 8-11 2006 in Nashville , USA
Call for Proposals for Papers and Posters
Deadline for submissions is August 1, 2005
The program planning committee seeks paper and poster proposals highlighting research or a case study in the following topic areas:
• Systems of Care
• Clinical Outcomes
• Therapeutic Trials
• Epidemiology
• Health Services Research
• Educational Research
• Hospital Based Case Presentation/Clinical Vignette
• Community Based Case Presentation/Clinical Vignette
• Basic Science/Symptom Pathophysiology
To submit your paper, poster, and case study proposals click on http://aahpm.confex.com/aahpm/2006/
Multi-Professional Course – 7-18 November 2005 St. Christopher’s, UK
An opportunity for any experienced health or social care professional to work together on exploring key principles and current issues. The course will enable members to develop greater confidence in the practice of their palliative care skills within their own specialty and in multi-professional teams; appreciate the latest evidence and thinking in palliative care; and develop a network of colleagues nationally and internationally.
A limited number of bursaries are available for applicants from developing countries or those with a financial need. Application close on 29 th July 2005.
The course includes the Multi-Professional week and in addition a clinical attachment provides an opportunity to see palliative care in practice. Students will be encouraged to reflect on the personal, interpersonal and cultural issues that arise during the two-week course.
For more information and the application details, contact Anne Coret, International Education Officer
Phone: (+44) (0) 208 768 4656
Fax (+44) (0) 208 776 5838
Email: [email protected] or [email protected]
Website: www.stchristophers.co.uk
Programa de Tratamento da Dor e Cuidados Paliativos
Hospital of the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro , RJ, Brazil
Deadline for application: July 20th, 2005
Training will start in August. It lasts one year and it is necessary to be there 2 days a week for group discussion, formal teaching and clinical practice. The course is free.
The certificate is given by the Educational Activities Coordination of the University.
Open to international students
For information, contact Dr. Lilian Hennemann
[email protected] or Phone: 55+21+25622713.
7th Annual Josefina Magno Conference Series:
"Improving Care for Those Experiencing Life-Limiting Illness"
The Institute for Education and Leadership at Capital Hospice presents this conference.
November 8-9, 2005
Fairview Park Marriott
Falls Church, Virginia
Preconference Institute
"Evidence-Based Palliative Care in dementia"
November 7, 2005
Jointly Sponsored by the Alzheimer's Association National Capital Region
With all the advances in diagnosis and treatment, people with serious chronic illness are living longer than ever. This year's Josefina Magno conference demonstrates why palliative care is a critical component of excellent care for people with life-limiting illness. With case-based presentations, reports on the latest research and treatments, and practical training participants will again have an unparalleled opportunity to advance their personal knowledge as well as the art and science of palliative care.
The conference brings an international group of exceptional clinicians and researchers who will focus on cased-based presentations, and highlight the current state of research, practice, and outcomes that inform the palliative care model.
Featured speakers include Eduardo Bruera, MD from MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, R. Sean Morrison, MD from Mt. Sinai Medical Center in New York, Balfour Mount, MD from The Royal Victoria Hospital in Montreal, Cynda Rushton, PhD, RN from Johns Hopkins Medical Center, Edmund Pellegrino, PhD, MD and Carol Taylor, PHD, RN from Georgetown Medical Center, Marcia Lattanzi Licht, LPC, MS, RN from the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization.
For more information, contact:
Phone: 703.531.6247
Email: [email protected]
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