Webmaster's Corner
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IAHPC'S Clearing House Program is designed to help programs and individuals who are interested in receiving donated medical supplies, journals, publications and helpful items match with donors in developed countries.
The Clearing House Program will exceeded shipping over 10,000+ LBS to more than 800 programs in over 97 countries in 2005!
Featured IAHPC Section:
All New "International Hospice and Palliative Care Directory"
Our new directory has over 1,000 listings. It also has a search feature you may search by name, address, country, zipcode, phone number and many other options. Listings now can add a description up to 1200 characters, along with expanded contact information. Use the HELP box on the right side to guide you through.
View our director here at http://www.hospicecare.com/yp/ and check the listings to see if your program has been included. If it’s not, please use the submission form to add, correct or update your listing information.
Do you have a website? Help us by adding our link to your website
Visit our how to link to us section on our donate page.
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View our updated Site map!
Visit our Book & Video Shop for your hospice & Palliative care needs.
5 new titles with reviews including one cd-rom added this month!
See Reviews in this newsletter.
Coming Events! Please visit our Future Events section to view events and add your event to our website. 3 new listings added this month!
A good Resource
Clinical Calculators - Calculators from A-a Gradient Calculator, Body Mass Index (BMI), Creatinine clearance (Adult), Digoxin Dosing, Drip Rate Table Creator, Fentanyl Patch Converter, Narcotic analgesic converter, Steroid Converter, Temperature Converter Celsius-Fahrenheit to Warfarin Therapy and many more!
You may find more resources & tools on our website at Pain & Palliative Care Assessment and Research Tools
Drop by often & don't miss out Until next month!
Anne Laidlaw
IAHPC Webmaster
Comments/Questions about our website?
Contact us here: http://www.hospicecare.com/contact.htm