Welcome to the Webmaster's Corner!
Here you can learn about the new articles & features we've added to the IAHPC website each month.
This month we have allot of great things to tell you about.
IAHPC's Hospice & Palliative Care Manual Second edition is now available.
Looking for an article or section on our website? View our Site
We now have 4187
email subscribers to this newsletter. If you wish to receive our monthly newsletter via email fill in your name & email in the box on the left hand side of this page.
IAHPC was on the Road Again! This time we were visiting
Montreal, Quebec Canada at the 15th International Congress on Care of the Terminally Ill. Click Here to view our snapshots of our trip.
Available to Spend Time Abroad - View professionals who are willing to spend time abroad. You can submit yourself to be added to the list to spend time abroad. We had 4 new listings
this month! More Info Here
Did you know that you can help donate to the
IAHPC by shopping at www.Amazon.com? Not Just Books! From Toys, Electronics &
Fashion to household items remember Amazon for your holiday shopping.
here to view today's specials!

Our Book & Video Shop
has has a few more changes in the navigation to help you find your way around better. You can now view by author or category. Last month we added 5 more new titles with reviews.
The International
Directory has had 21 new listings this month, a great resource for all.
Coming Events! Do you
have a Hospice & Palliative Care event you wish to promote?
Please visit our Future Events section to view events and add your event to our website. 6 new listings added this month!
Did you know you can Subscribe
& Save Up To 80% on popular magazine subscriptions while helping the IAHPC! Over 80,000 titles to choose from.
Click Here to learn more!
Internet History!
The first email message was sent back in 1965. It took 6 years for the first unsolicited "junk" e-mail sent to large numbers of people to promote products or services better known today
as "SPAM".
Drop by often & don't miss out!
Until next month!
Anne Laidlaw
IAHPC Webmaster