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New Browser Buddy - You may have noticed a new feature we have on selected pages named the IAHPC
Browser Buddy. With this you can save the current page, Search the page, look a word up in the dictionary, print the page and save it in your favorites/Bookmarks.
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The IAHPC Fact Sheets are now available in Portuguese and to download
in MS.Word Format in Portuguese.
Our Book & Video Shop has has a few changes in the navigation to help you
find your way around better. You can now view by author or category. Last month we added over 30+ new titles & over 25+ reviews.
The International Directory has had 14 new listings this month, a great resource for
Have a hospice and/or palliative care related question? Or just want to discuss hospice & palliative care issues?
Join in at our Forum. No registration required. It's Free
Coming Events! Do you have a Hospice & Palliative Care event you wish to promote?
Please visit our Future Events section to view events and add your event to our website.
4 new listings added this month including a Hospice/Palliative Care course or two!
Did you know you can Subscribe
& Save Up To 80% on popular magazine subscriptions while helping the IAHPC! Over 80,000 titles to choose from.
Click Here to learn more!
What's Coming!
We have more plans for exciting new additions to hospicecare.com in the coming months. Drop by often & don't miss out!
Until next month!
Anne Laidlaw
IAHPC Webmaster
Comments/Questions about our website?
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