January 16, 2025

Patients' power of procrastination & our monthly advocacy roundup (open access seminars, high-level submissions & more)


Advancing Equity for Black Patients with Serious Illness, a new, free, downloadable guide by the US Center to Advance Palliative Care, is described as a "practical approach to address health disparities."

On January 28, IAHPC's Katherine Pettus is participating in a webinar, "Combatting Ageism in Health Care: Palliative care explained," sponsored by the Gray Panthers NYC. it begins at 2 p.m. EST.

Applications are being accepted for Hospice Africa Uganda's 5th palliative care initiators’ course March 17-June 13, 2025 for health professionals currently working or about to work in palliative care. A 3-month online session followed by 3 weeks on site teaches culturally appropriate palliative care services, cultivates advocates, and fosters leadership. The course costs 2,000,000 UGX. The deadline for applicants is February 25. Find more information in the IAHPC listing of educational programs.

Editor's note: With any new website comes the occasional bad link. We just learned of, and fixed, a bad link to Pallipedia, the popular online palliative care dictionary. If you see another, please let us know!

In Practice: Member stories & insights

"Something I talk about in Last Aid sessions (educating family or community members on how to best care for someone at the end of life) is the importance of being our authentic selves in our interactions with patients and family, essentially 'therapeutic use of self,' which I find very powerful, and I think is in the toolbox of every palliative care clinician I admire."

—John Haberecht, semi-retired palliative care nurse in acute and community settings, currently working with Palliative Care Queensland, of which he is a former president.

Do you have a story or insight to share? Contact the Pallinews editor!

IAHPC resources

Free for everyone
Browse past book reviews by Dr. Roger Woodruff.

Free for members
The 2023 guide How to Help our Patients in their Terminal Phase / Cómo Ayudar a un Enfermo Terminal by Wilson Astudillo A. and Carmen Mendinueta A.

Not a member of IAHPC yet? Join today!

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