Free Course Fosters Expertise
in Palliative Care Development

Atlantes Global Observatory of Palliative Care in Spain has launched a free online course for palliative care referents: Consultant in Global Assessment and Monitoring of National Palliative Care Development. A European version of the course is being prepared for September, and it will be rapidly followed by versions for North America, the Caribbean, and possibly one for the eastern Mediterranean region. A version for Asia was held in August.

The self-paced, accredited course provides theoretical and practical content in five modules. It is aimed at all those involved in palliative care development, including advocates, nurses, consultants, physicians, and ministry of health personnel. Prior experience in palliative care is recommended, but not mandatory. Preregister here.

This course was developed by experts Carlos Centeno and Vilma Tripodoro, following directives outlined by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Course objectives

  1. To understand the key concepts and principles of palliative care development and the WHO's approach to assessing and monitoring it nationally. 
  2. To know the methods and tools used to evaluate and monitor progress in the development of palliative care, including data collection, analysis, and reporting. 
  3. To assess the current state of palliative care development in their own country, identify areas for improvement, and develop effective strategies for advancing palliative care services.

Each model concludes with a questionnaire to assess the situation in the participant's country. Certification upon completion of the course comprises 1 European Credit Transfer System, equal to 25 hours of work.

Atlantes Global Observatory, as a WHO Collaborating Centre of Palliative Care, hopes to contribute to the WHO´s desire to make palliative care part of the essential portfolio of health services provided to the global population, whatever the national context, particularly in countries where palliative care is almost non-existent.

Read more of this week's issue of Pallinews

Years of advocacy pay off with 2 mentions of palliative care in United Nations decisions

Also: advocacy actions with global import, & upcoming IAHPC seminars on spiritual care (in September) & the state of care work (in October).

Movie review

When You Die trilogy of films encourage conversations around death and dying. Reviewed by Dr. Michael Barbato.


Government decision nourishes hope for action to establish palliative care in Cameroon's hospitals.

What's New in the IAHPC Calendar.

Abstract submissions are now open for the 2025 Asia Pacific Hospice Palliative Care Network conference. The deadline is November 14, 2024.