For palliative home care service in extreme situations, such as in a slum in a lower-income country during COVID-19, safe distancing and repeated hand washing is impractical or impossible to maintain. Photo by Sayeda Quadir, Bangladesh, Dhaka, submitted to the 2021 IAHPC Photo Contest. Used with permission.
Table of Contents
- Message from the Chair and Executive Director Lukas and Liliana on the impact of armed conflicts on health care, and a study whose results undercut arguments for euthanasia and PAS.
- Cynthia Goh, 1949-2022 A tribute to Dr. Goh: a tireless advocate instrumental in establishing palliative care in Singapore and beyond.
- Policy & Advocacy Advocacy advances in a nutshell: much happened in February!
- Grants in Action IAHPC Scholars report on their experiences at IAPCON 2022.
- IAHPC News
- Free Webinar series to advance Lancet Commission recommendations on PC.
- Module 4 of IAHPC Advocacy Course online in March.
- Getting Started has been translated into Greek.
- Reminder: April deadline looms for scholarship applicants to Bruges conference.
- Top 10 Pallipedia searches
- What’s New in the IAHPC Calendar
- New Listings in the IAHPC Global Directories
- Member & other news Roadmaps for PC in Kazakhstan are underway; UHC is theme of World Health Day; videos for PC trainers; a virtual health symposium on PC; ICPCN short courses on pediatric care; CAPC calculator updated; APHN book combines art and self-care; To the Unknown God reaps multiple film awards.
- Featured Story Latin America, this is your opportunity! Spain’s palliative care provider, CUDECA [short for cuidados del cancer], expands in a big way into palliative care training.
- Profile of a Palliative Care Pioneer Dr. Douglas Bridge on spirituality in palliative care and life with Parkinson’s disease.
- Book Reviews Palliative and Serious Illness Patient Management for Physician Assistants, reviewed by Madonna R. Bacorro. Also, a new edition of Palliative Care Perspectives is released, plus Roger Woodruff’s review of the original.
- Lessons from the Literature
Under My Microscope Continuous deep sedation: does it shorten life? IAHPC Research Advisor Dr. Tania Pastrana’s selected article begins to answer the question.
Media Watch Barry Ashpole selects articles from his weekly report, Media Watch.
- Membership Matters
- One member’s story: Winifred Otoo, from Ghana.
- Members’ Impact
- Members in This Month’s Newsletter
- New & Renewing Members’ List
- Last Month’s Donors
Alison Ramsey
Senior Editor
Katherine Pettus
PhD, Advisor
Liliana de Lima
MHA, Executive Director
Danilo Fritzler