2021; Volume 22, No 4, April
We are very grateful to the individuals and organizations that have donated to support our mission.

Last Month’s Donors’ list

Name Country
$1 - $99
Amazon Smile USA
Anonymous through Global Giving USA
Silpa Lal through Global Giving USA
Hibah Osman through Global Giving USA
Shannon Moore through Global Giving USA
Alison Ramsey through Global Giving USA
$100 - $199
Eve Namisango Uganda
$100 - $199

2 Ways to Promote the Development of Palliative Care

When you donate to IAHPC, your money goes into a revolving fund to support program development and membership from developing countries. If you would like to support our work please donate here. IAHPC is a charitable organization so donations to the organization are tax deductible. A copy of the IRS 501(c) 3 determination letter is available upon request from IAHPC.

You can also help IAHPC when you shop at Amazon at no additional cost to you! By listing the International Association of Hospice and Palliative Care as your chosen charity in the AmazonSmile program (click to ‘your account’ and select AmazonSmile), Amazon will donate 0.5% of eligible purchases to IAHPC.

Donate now

$25 $50 $100 $250 Other amount

Do you have any questions about regarding last month's donations?

Contact Ms Lina Rozo, IAHPC Finance Officer

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