2021, Volume 22, No 4, April
To celebrate our 25th year, we paired two images: one is a painting done by the first newsletter editor, Dr. William Farr, of the five churches in Taos, where he lived at the time; the other is a photo from Moonshine Movies’ film Life After Death, released in 2016. When the newsletter began, it was difficult to obtain images, and Dr. Roger Woodruff recalls that Dr. Farr’s paintings enlivened some issues. It’s still a struggle to obtain photos for the newsletter! Enter the IAHPC Photo Contest for a chance to see your work in print. Photos courtesy of Dr. Farr and Mike Hill, Moonshine Movies.
This issue marks IAHPC’s silver anniversary!
We are celebrating with messages from the past Chairs as well as previous newsletter editors, interesting tidbits, and notable achievements. Some form sections of this issue; others are sprinkled throughout. But the first words go to Dr. Derek Doyle, a founding member of IAHPC, a leading light in global palliative care and, for many years, our ever-gracious adviser.


What seems important to me is that we do not get upset when some ventures fail, others enjoy short term success, when some reject our teaching and others tweak it to satisfy their dreams of empire. We never had a blueprint. Heretical as it is to say so today, we never did comprehensive needs assessments in those days.

“We didn’t have crystal balls then and we don’t need them now, but what we do need is highly developed sensitivity to the needs of our patients (which we are now learning to assess), open-mindedness and flexibility.”

—from a speech, The Essence of Palliative Care: A Personal Perspective, given by Dr. Derek Doyle in 2004.

Table of Contents

Alison Ramsey, Senior Editor

Alison Ramsey
Senior Editor

Katherine Pettus, PhD, Advisor

Katherine Pettus
PhD, Advisor

Liliana de Lima, MHA, Executive Director

Liliana de Lima
MHA, Executive Director

Danilo Fritzler, Webmaster

Danilo Fritzler