2020; Volume 21, No 8, August
We Choose IAHPC!
Longtime IAHPC members, and those who chose to become Lifetime Members, told us why their membership is so important to them. We wanted to share some of their responses with you.
Uniting Our Hopes and Dreams for Universal Health Care
“There is no excess in the world so commendable as excessive gratitude.” — Jean de la Bruyère
Belonging to the IAHPC makes us believe that it is possible to unite our hopes and dreams for a world where palliative care is a part of universal health care delivery, where the poorest and most vulnerable populations have access and the suffering of patients is part of the past.
It requires strong roots, leadership, clarity, and dedication to drive us forward; year after year we renew our membership and commitment, convinced that we are making a small contribution to contribute to achieve universal access to palliative care.
For the Palliative Care Association of Colombia, receiving recognition for belonging to IAHPC is an opportunity to thank you for giving us the confidence and support to meet our goals.
— Martha Lucia Franco Garrido, Executive Director, Asociación Cuidados Paliativos de Colombia (ASOCUPAC), Colombia
Learn more about the Asociación Cuidados Paliativos de Colombia, which is an IAHPC member and is listed in the IAHPC Global Database of Palliative Care Institutions and Organizations.
Uniendo nuestras esperanzas y sueños para la atención médica universal
"Solo un exceso es recomendable en el mundo: El exceso de gratitud" — Jean de la Bruyère
Pertenecer a la IAHPC nos hace creer en que es posible unir nuestros anhelos y sueños por un mundo en donde los cuidados paliativos sean parte de todos sistemas de salud, en donde las poblaciones más pobres y vulnerables tengan acceso y el sufrimiento de los pacientes sea parte del pasado.
Sus fuertes raíces, su liderazgo, orientación y claridad para enfocar los esfuerzos, son una importante fuerza que nos impulsa como organización a avanzar cada día, año tras año renovamos nuestra membresía, convencidos de estar haciendo un pequeño aporte para contribuir a lograr la equidad en el acceso a los cuidados paliativos.
Para La Asociación Cuidados Paliativos de Colombia-ASOCUPAC, recibir un reconocimiento por pertenecer a AIHPC, es una oportunidad para agradecerles por darnos la confianza y el apoyo para cumplir nuestras metas.
— Martha Lucia Franco Garrido, Directora Ejecutiva, Asociación Cuidados Paliativos de Colombia (ASOCUPAC), Colombia
Together, We Improve People’s Lives
The main reason I renew my individual membership is to support an organization that works to improve quality of life for patients, and also supports health and social care professionals involved in palliative care. IAHPC’s research activities on issues like highlighting patients’ suffering in underdeveloped and developing countries, the availability of essential palliative medicines, and more is another reason, as I have a special interest in research work. There are huge options for research on palliative care; my research makes me more dedicated to my palliative care work.
I first heard the words “palliative care” while a student of pharmacy. After volunteering for three days of palliative care training, I understood that those with experience taking care of terminally ill patients could help those patients cope. My grandmother and uncle died due to malignancy; I know the intolerable suffering and pain of cancer patients. After this training, I decided to give my best to relieve this suffering.
My mentor, Professor Nezamuddin Ahmad, told me that, “you would be a lucky person in the world when your profession will be your part of love.”
I am grateful to IAHPC for giving me a Traveling Scholarship to attend the 12th Asia Pacific Hospice Conference, and am proud to be a member. I hope and believe that IAHPC will provide more opportunities in the future to work for palliative patient care, research, and development of palliative care in Bangladesh, with the guidance of renowned palliative care professionals.
— Fazle Noor Biswas, RPh, MPH, MPharm, Department of Clinical Pharmacy, Square Hospital Limited, Bangladesh
I Knew I Wanted to Give Support Over the Long Haul
I was delighted to join IAHPC as a Lifetime Member 10 years ago. I knew I wanted to support IAHPC and its mission over the long haul. I’ve had the privilege to participate in and learn about palliative care and hospice services in many locations around the world. I wanted to strengthen what IAHPC can do for these colleagues, their programs, and our policies on an international level. That’s what people with serious illness need, no matter where they are.
— Laura J. Morrison, MD, FAAHPM, FACP, Yale School of Medicine & Yale-New Haven Hospital, USA
Being Part of a Bigger Family Improves Knowledge
I received an IAHPC Travelling Scholarship, which helped further my education in the teaching of palliative care. I also appreciate the resources in the members’ section of the IAHPC website. Being part of the bigger palliative care family keeps me informed.
— Lee Ai Chong, MD, Department of Paediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaysia, Malaysia
Filling a Gap in Local Services
and Learning from Experts
I joined IAHPC in 2015 when I decided to develop palliative care where I work, first, and then help promote it in my country. I live in Haiti, working part-time as a palliative care attending physician with the oncology team. Palliative care is not a well-known specialty in my country, and we still don't have a national policy regarding palliative care. Renewing my membership with the IAHPC helps me to have access to information about palliative care and meet other palliative care physicians. Since 2018, we have been working with Dr. Mike Gosey, a wonderful palliative care physician in the US, he helps us a lot with training our residents during their rotation, and annually.
— Ornella Sainterant, MD, Coordinator of Continuing Education, Zanmi Lastane, Haiti
Editor’s note: Dr. Gosey received IAHPC grants that funded his trips to give palliative care training to medical professionals in Haiti.
Making Contacts, Launching Global Projects, Being Heard
Becoming a member has allowed me to meet palliative colleagues, make contacts, and embark on international projects related to palliative and quality of life projects, as well as networking in the area. As part of IAHPC I have had obtained support for continuing education for the annual AAHPM congress and the global launch of the Lancet Commission on Global Access to Palliative Care and Pain Relief in Miami — and to be an eyewitness to this important international event with local impact in our countries. IAHPC has given us the opportunity to have our voice heard by seeking our contribution to the redefinition of palliative care, an article, and a recently shared approach. Special thanks to Liliana De Lima who has collaborated in the Dominican Republic on the subject of pain management, palliative care, and advocacy for improved access to opioid analgesics.
— Wendy C. Gómez García, MD, Pediatric Onco-Hematologist & Palliativist, Dominican Republic