2020; Volume 21, No 7, July
Table of Contents
- Message from the Chair and Executive Director Lukas and Liliana introduce some of the past month’s highlights: a notable podcast, continuing webinars, and a new IAHPC program to help develop global leaders in palliative care.
- Policy and Advocacy How global advocacy eclipsed social and geographic distances to help one very sick Filipino boy and his desperate grandmother. Also, IAHPC participation in the release of the 2020 World Drug Report at the Commission on Narcotic Drugs, and the release of a book of Dr. Katherine Pettus’ blogs, Global Palliative Care: Reports from the Peripheries, 2015-2020.
- Frontline Reports Mobile Hospice Mbarara in Uganda describes challenges during COVID-19; geriatrician Claudia Burlá, in hard hit Brazil, is a bird carrying water — one drop at a time — to her patients at home.
- IAHPC News
- GLAD: a new IAHPC program to foster global leaders in palliative care.
- Synopses of 4 webinars in the global Special Series on COVID-19 and Palliative Care: pre-existing conditions, disabilities/humanitarian crises, spiritual & self-care, and telemedicine.
- 3 new definitions in Pallipedia.
- Events added to the Calendar.
- In other news: WHO releases a short report on COVID’s impact on two cancer centers in Spain.; a U.S. research teams invites pediatric palliative care providers to complete a survey; an e-book/workbook to help grieving children; an open call for poems for an APHN anthology; a photo contest during COVID-19.
- Featured Story The Middle East is a region with widely diverse levels of palliative care provision: a network of the region’s experts is working to change that.
- IAHPC Book Reviews
Review of the Month
Room 217: Music for Palliative and End-of-Life Care/Music for Life’s Journey Recordings and other resources to integrate music into palliative and end-of-life care.
Other reviews
- DEMYSTIFYING OPIOID CONVERSION CALCULATIONS. 2nd ed. A Guide For Effective Dosing Updated and expanded, all about using opioids.
- SURGICAL PALLIATIVE CARE: Integrating Palliative Care Advances in the incorporation of palliative care into surgical practice.
- REFLECTIONS ON THE INEVITABLE: Mortality at the Crossroads of Psychology, Philosophy and Health This book is about one’s own, personal mortality or “my-death.”
- Lessons from the Literature
Under My Microscope An article that measured overuse of antibiotics in end-of-life care is chosen by IAHPC Research Advisor Dr. Tania Pastrana.
Media Watch: Telehealth Barry Ashpole highlights telehealth with articles on key components of “webside” care — a practical table of dos and don’ts, e-family meetings, and a review assessing video consults.
- Membership Matters
- New & Renewing Members’ List
- List of Donors
Alison Ramsey
Senior Editor
Katherine Pettus
PhD, Advisor
Liliana de Lima
MHA, Executive Director
Danilo Fritzler