2020; Volume 21, No 6, June
Membership Matters
New and Renewing Members' List
A list of individuals who joined, or renewed their membership with, IAHPC during the past month.
Membership renewals
Name | Country |
Maria Susana Ciruzzi | Argentina |
Rut Kiman | Argentina |
Marianne Phillips | Australia |
Palliative and Supportive Service, Flinders University | Australia |
Penelope Tuffin | Australia |
Farzana Khan | Bangladesh |
Nezamuddin Ahmad | Bangladesh |
Vanesa Rocio Orellana Caro | Bolivia ( Plurinational State of ) |
Claudia Burla | Brazil |
Maria Alice Viegas Papanicolau | Brazil |
Zetao Zhang | China |
Alberto Perez-Medina | Colombia |
Alicia Krikorian | Colombia |
Asociacion Cuidados Paliativos Colombia - ASOCUPAC | Colombia |
Melissa Libreros | Colombia |
Mildred Aida Tejada Portillo | Honduras |
Chitra Venkateswaran | India |
Gayatri Palat | India |
M.R. Rajagopal | India |
Mary Ann Muckaden | India |
Priti Sanghavi | India |
Mamak Tahmesebi | Iran (Islamic Republic of) |
Fondazione Maruzza Lefebvre D'Ovidio Onlus | Italy |
Simone Cernesi | Italy |
Dingle Spence | Jamaica |
Felix Mokandu Angasa | Kenya |
Kenya Hospices And Palliative Care Association (KEHPCA) | Kenya |
Phanice Jepkemoi Tom | Kenya |
Zipporah Ali | Kenya |
Jane Bates | Malawi |
Ndi Moyo Palliative Care Trust | Malawi |
Cy Oun Teoh | Malaysia |
Ednin Hamzah | Malaysia |
Celina Castaneda de la Lanza | Mexico |
Hospice Care by Mitigare Cuidados Paliativos A. C. | Mexico |
Luz Adriana Templos Esteban | Mexico |
Daniel Munday | Nepal |
Ruth Powys | Nepal |
Elizabeth Onuwa Ogboli Nwasor | Nigeria |
Farah Anil | Pakistan |
Cristina Formoso-Avendano | Philippines |
Luzviminda Kwong | Philippines |
Singapore Hospice Council | Singapore |
Alex Daniels | South Africa |
Joan Marston | South Africa |
Julia Ambler | South Africa |
Tracey Brand | South Africa |
Camila Castellanos | Spain |
African Palliative Care Association (APCA) | Uganda |
Emannuel Luyirika | Uganda |
Fatia Kiyange | Uganda |
Jane Nakawesi | Uganda |
Julia Downing | Uganda |
Mhoira E F Leng | Uganda |
Liz Grant | United Kingdom |
Bradley Brazill | United States |
Ebtesam Ahmed | United States |
Ellen Csikai | United States |
Mark Jacobson | United States |
Steven Freedman | United States |
Quach Thanh Khanh | Vietnam |
Haytham AbuSenjar | West Bank and Gaza |
Wisdom Muleya Munkombwe | Zambia |
Jennifer Hunt | Zimbabwe |
Proceed Sibanda | Zimbabwe |
New members
Name | Country |
Madeleine Juhrmann | Australia |
Rachel Coghalan | Australia |
Ching See Lau | Canada |
Gary Rodin | Canada |
Lisa Schwartz | Canada |
AnaĆ Forjaz de Lacerda | Portugal |
Chakrapani Vasudevan | United Kingdom |
Irene Higginson | United Kingdom |
Sheila Payne | United Kingdom |
Dale G. Larson | United States |
Global Partners in Care | United States |
See the full list of IAHPC members