2019; Volume 20, No 10, October
News & Resources
Apply for an IAHPC Traveling Scholarship to the 2020 ALCP Congress in Costa Rica
The International Association for Hospice and Palliative Care is pleased to announce that it will provide Traveling Scholarships to support the travel of palliative care workers to attend the X Latin American Congress of Palliative Care in San Jose, Costa Rica, from March 25-28, 2020. The deadline to apply is December 15, 2019. Results will be announced in early January.
Applicants from all disciplines are welcome.
Application for Traveling Scholarships is open to IAHPC members in good standing. (Not a member? Join IAHPC!)
Successful applicants must be current members at the time of the congress to access the award.
Preference will be given to applicants who:
- have not received a grant from IAHPC in the past 3 years.
- have been IAHPC active members for 2 or more consecutive years.
- are affiliated with an institution that is an IAHPC institutional member (see the list of institutional members).
- live in a lower, lower-middle and upper-middle income category country as per the World Bank income classification data.
- are dedicated full-time to palliative care in their current work.
- graduated from university less than 10 years ago.
- have an accepted abstract* for poster or oral presentation (proof of acceptance is required).
- describe in their applications long-term goals that lead to improvements in any or all of the following areas: service provision, education, availability of and access to medicines, public policy.
This program offers funding for travel and registration only; applicants will need to secure funding from other sources to cover additional expenses.
Visit the IAHPC website for detailed information about the application process or to fill out an application form. If you have any questions about how to apply for a Traveling Scholarship, please contact Genevieve Napier, IAHPC Programs Officer at [email protected].
* Writing and submitting an abstract can be a challenge. Remember that IAHPC members have unlimited online access to the CINAHL database, including downloads of full text articles from leading journals, to help in their research.
Win a $2,000 IAHPC Traveling Grant during Member Appreciation Month!
IAHPC benefits every day from the hard work of our members who are devoted to the advancement of hospice and palliative care worldwide. Members exemplify a continuing commitment to patient care, improved education, and favorable policies consistent with our mission.
October is our Members’ Recognition Month, when we highlight the vital function that our members play in the advancement of our mission and formally acknowledge their support.
Prizes will be awarded to the winner in each category described below.
1. Recognizing Loyalty
- Goal: To reward current members who have been loyal to the IAHPC.
- Eligibility: Open to current IAHPC members who have kept their membership in good standing for at least 2 consecutive years by October 31, 2019.
- Prize: An IAHPC Travelling Scholarship or Traveling Fellowship of $2,000. The winner will be randomly selected among the members that meet the eligibility criteria.
2. Increasing Membership
- Goal: to increase the number of members by rewarding a current member who brings the highest number of new or renewed members.
- Eligibility: Open to current IAHPC members (individuals and institutions) in all countries of the world. Only current members are eligible.
- Prize: An IAHPC Travelling Scholarship or Traveling Fellowship of $2,000. The current member who brings the highest number of new or renewed members until October 31, 2019 will be the winner.
Winners will be announced and featured in this newsletter.
IAHPC Rated a Top Nonprofit By Those Who Know It Best

IAHPC has been named a 2019 Top-Rated Nonprofit by the leading provider of user reviews of charities and nonprofit organizations, GreatNonprofits.
The Top-Rated Nonprofit Award is the based on the rating and number of reviews from each organization’s volunteers, donors, and aid recipients. As of September 25, 2019, IAHPC had received 96 very positive reviews.
GreatNonprofits is the leading website where people share stories about their personal experiences on more than 1.6 million charities and nonprofit organizations. The GreatNonprofits Top-Rated Awards are the only awards for nonprofits determined by those who have direct experience with the charities.
The complete list of 2019’s Great Nonprofits will be published online on October 31.
Prepare to Embrace Global Giving

The IAHPC is joining the Global GivingTuesday Movement again this year, taking place on December 3.
GivingTuesday harnesses the collective power of individuals, communities, and organizations to encourage giving and to celebrate generosity worldwide. Every year, on GivingTuesday, millions of people across the globe mobilize to show up, give back, and improve their communities.
Your donation to IAHPC helps relieve serious health-related suffering, particularly in vastly underserved regions. Donations help IAHPC to tirelessly push governments to enact palliative care policies and fund palliative care services, to support individuals who advocate for and provide palliative care, and to work with organizations to relieve suffering to the greatest extent possible for those most in need.
The goal of GivingTuesday is to create a massive wave of generosity that lasts well beyond that day, and touches every person on the planet. As we get closer to December 3, watch this space for more details.
Love Is Listening: Dispelling the loneliness of dementia
The art of really listening — an active, conscious act done with an open heart and mind — to those with dementia can be transformative. It has the power to dispel the emotional isolation intrinsic to the disease, while enriching listeners themselves.

That is the guiding light of Memory Bridge, which began as a short-term initiative in 2005 in Chicago: at-risk teens visited elders with dementia over several weeks, forming relationships that turned out to be remarkably beneficial to both groups.
Memory Bridge has grown to connect more than 4,000 teens with elders, and extended its scope to welcome listeners of any age to its three-day “I Am A Bridge” training sessions. It also invites 12 people, from among applicants globally, to its annual retreat in Indiana to learn how the program works.
This year, it reached out even further by collaborating on a film, Love Is Listening: Dementia Without Loneliness (see the trailer). The film “shows us that listening is not so much an activity as a quality of presence,” says Chris Asprey, development officer of L’Arche UK. It is “an urgent reminder of what makes life noble, precious, and worthwhile.”
The film was chosen, from among thousands, for screening at the 2019 Julien Dubuque International Film Festival, which aims to “bridge cultures through education and the arts.”
Each month, we publish a selection of items that may be of interest to our global readership. Contributions are welcomed; we reserve the right to edit content.
- Content should describe opportunities to advance palliative care and improve knowledge, skills, and networking, e.g., education and training, travel grants, access to online resources, etc.
- 150 words maximum.
- Copy deadline: 20th of each month.
- Please submit your copy to the editor together with any JPEG images. We reserve the right to edit content.
Please also consider promoting your education and training events in the IAHPC Global Directory of Education in Palliative Care. It’s quick and easy — just submit your content online.
What’s New in the IAHPC Calendar of Events
The following events were added last month to the IAHPC Calendar of Events.
- 2nd Asia Pacific Conference on Integrated Care (APIC2), November 11-13, 2019, Melbourne.
- Religion and Medical Ethics (symposium), December 11-12, 2019, Rome.
- First Regional Palliative Care Conference, September 25-26, 2019, Beirut.
- Research Methods & Statistics in Palliative Care (course), January 13-24, 2020, London.
- Biology & Management of Symptoms in Advanced Disease (course), February 17-28, 2020, London.
- Psychosocial, Cultural, Ethical & Spiritual Issues (course), March 23-April 3, 2020, London.
- Service Organisation & Policy in Palliative Care (course), May 26-June 5, 2020, London.
- The 2019 Palliative Care Symposium, November 13, 2019, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
- 27th Annual Nursing Conference, “Honoring Choices: Intersections of Faith, Culture, and Community,” October 4, 2019, Houston, Texas.
- Palliative Care Education and Practice - Part 1 (course), December 8-13, 2019, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
- Palliative Care Education and Practice - Part 2 (course), April 26-May 1,2020, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Find the workshop, seminar, congress, or conference that speaks to you in the IAHPC Calendar of Events, updated monthly, that lists activities of special interest to those who work in palliative care. Or submit an event for consideration; it’s free!