2019; Volume 20, No 9, September
Table of Contents
- Message from the Chair and Executive Director An update on reinstating the WHO’s guidelines on controlled substances; IAHPC’s participation at the upcoming Oceanic Palliative Care Conference.
- Policy and Advocacy IAHPC creates a five-member support team to further advance its advocacy, and selects six countries to spearhead global initiatives.
- Grants in Action Traveling Scholarship winner Erna Rochmawati of Indonesia reports on the course she attended on ethics in palliative care.
- Progress Report A minister’s call to action impelled a couple from Memphis, Tennessee, to bring palliative home care to Kabul, Afghanistan.
- Featured Article Dr. Nahla Gafer’s interviews with three palliative care providers in Sudan show how their training affects their patients, their caregivers, and themselves.
IAHPC Book Reviews
- OXFORD TEXTBOOK OF PALLIATIVE NURSING 5th ed. Dedicated to Nessa Coyle, this book is a testament to the development of palliative nursing. Very good.
- PALLIATIVE CARE AND CATHOLIC HEALTH CARE: Two Millenia of Caring for the Whole Person An overview and history of the compatibility of palliative care with the vision of human dignity in the Catholic moral and theological traditions.
- VALUES AT THE END OF LIFE: The Logic of Palliative Care America’s health care system is built on the principle that life should be prolonged whenever possible, regardless of the costs. But this is being challenged.
- THE HOSPICE TEAM: Who We Are and How We Care A refreshing collection of the views of 21 of your colleagues about what hospice means.
- HANDBOOK OF NUTRITION AND DIET IN PALLIATIVE CARE 2nd ed. A reference covering all aspects of nutrition in terminal and palliative care.
- Lessons from the Literature
Media Watch: Family Caregiving Barry Ashpole selects articles on the language, voices, and communication of caregiving
Announcements, Resource & Events
- Newsflash A post-Hurricane Dorian message from a palliative care physician in the Bahamas, plus a reminder about the WHO crisis guide for clinical teams.
- Got a sec? Check out Palliative Care Network’s super-short Q&A series on spiritual care.
- YouTube addition A two-minute Say No to Pain video.
- The International Day of Older Persons is October 1.
- Reminder World Hospice Day is October 12. See the events, or add your own!
- Best Practices in Dementia Care A free toolkit from the Center to Advance Palliative Care.
- Find the palliative-care-related workshop, seminar, congress, or conference you need or want. Or submit an event for consideration; it’s free!
IAHPC Membership Matters
- October is Members’ Recognition Month A pair of prizes will be drawn.
- New & Renewing Members List
- Donors
- List of Donors
Alison Ramsey, Senior Editor
Katherine Pettus, PhD, Advisor
Liliana de Lima, MHA, Executive Director
Danilo Fritzler, Webmaster