2019; Volume 20, No 2, February
Table of Contents
- Message from the Chair and Executive Director The WHO and the continuing need for advocacy, thanks to Board members whose term has ended, meetings to launch the Lancet Report in Central America, and the anniversary of the German Association for Palliative Medicine.
- Editor’s Corner This is the last regular web version of Editor’s Corner; from now on it will appear only as necessary. Read about other changes suggested by our recent Newsletter survey.
- Policy and Advocacy Dr. Katherine I. Pettus reports on a busy schedule; IAHPC is involved in meetings with the PACE Project, the WHO Executive Board, the upcoming OEWGA 2019, and a High-Level meeting of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs.
- Featured Article Dr. Derek Doyle offers a lifetime of experience compressed into 5 practical tips for practitioners.
- IAHPC Grants in Action Results from a Traveling Fellowship education program for health professionals in Patna, India; one health worker devises solutions for her hospital in Uganda; a nurse’s report from the 5th Kenya National Palliative Care Conference.
- IAHPC Book Reviews
- EUTHANASIA, ETHICS AND PUBLIC POLICY: An Argument Against Legalisation. 2e An excellent summary of all the happenings. Strongly recommended
- EUTHANASIA AND ASSISTED SUICIDE: Lessons from Belgium A good description of the troubles going on in Belgium.
- HOSPICE AND PALLIATIVE MEDICINE AND SUPPORTIVE CARE FLASHCARDS Comprehensive, evidence-based book of flashcards, covering just about everything in palliative care.
- OLDER ADULTS & LIFE REVIEW Music-based care and conversation cards that provide ways to begin meaningful conversations. Good stuff!
- INJURY TIME Poetic reflections on many things to do with palliative care, beautifully expressed.
- Media Watch
Talking Points Guidance for family physicians in broaching the difficult-to-raise topic of advance care planning with patients. / Health care providers should assess family caregivers’ well-being during the older adult’s visit, posits a nursing professor. / Evaluating the impact of the end-of-life educational series by the Young Survival Coalition, for young women with breast cancer.
Article Abstracts
- Perceptions of palliative care in a lower middle-income Muslim country: A qualitative study of health care professionals, bereaved families and communities Introducing PC throughout Mauritania is underway; this research forms the future of its integration
- Assessing quality of care for the dying from the bereaved relatives’ perspective: Using pre-testing survey methods across seven countries to develop an international outcome measure A common, core international questionnaire (‘i-CODE’) pertaining to the quality of care for those who are dying, including culturally adapted versions for England, Norway, Poland, Germany, Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay
- Facilitating successful implementation of a person-centred intervention to support family carers within palliative care: A qualitative study of the Carer Support Needs Assessment Tool (CSNAT) intervention A study that extends the knowledge base for training to understanding organizational structures and processes necessary for successful practical implementation
- IAHPC News & Membership Matters
- New listings in Calendar of Events
- Winners of the online Palliative Care Network Poster Competition Advanced cancer (in home care, and QoL for the dying) was the subject of two of the winners’ posters; the third reported on a survey of hospice professionals on medical cannabis practices. View the posters here.
- Members’ Recognition Award & Loyalty Award winners Giving access to a team credit card is the same reason why, for the second year in a row, the Members’ Recognition award winner signed up a record-smashing number (33!) of IAHPC members. Read about why IAHPC is essential for Dr. Elizabeth Namukwaya of Uganda and Ms. Hana Agustina of Indonesia
- A Lancet Interview with Liliana De Lima Emotional and rational reasons that have defined her career
- List of New and Renewing Members
- Introducing... Fundación Hondureña para el Niño con Cáncer: Salva Mi Vida
Comprehensive, free services for children with cancer in the Honduras saves families from a crippling financial burden at a time when they are suffering a terrible blow.
Los servicios integrales y gratuitos para niños con cáncer en Honduras salvan a las familias de una carga financiera agobiante en un momento en que están sufriendo un golpe terrible.
- Donors
Angels Bare Almost All Stephen Grether challenges those whose loved ones lost a battle with cancer, as some of his have, to jump into a pile of snow wearing just a swimsuit and make an angel to raise money for hospice. He convinced 3 pals to do just that, and gave the $260 to IAHPC. Watch the video on Facebook. Now that’s chill!
List of Donors
Alison Ramsey, Senior Editor
Katherine Pettus, PhD, Advisor
Liliana de Lima, MHA, Executive Director
Danilo Fritzler, Webmaster