2017; Volume 18, No 12, December

Message from the Chair and Executive Director

Dear readers,

Welcome to our last issue of this year's newsletter.

As the year ends, we are proud of the things we were able to achieve through our programs and projects, and of the support we were able to provide to developing countries in the accomplishment of our mission. Some examples of activities and resources aimed to improve the adequate care of patients and families around the world include:

This year also brought a few sad changes in IAHPC staff. After 15 years, Ms. Ana Restrepo retired at the end of May as IAHPC Membership Officer. Ana and her family moved to Florida and we are happy that she continues to help IAHPC as a volunteer. Ms. Genevieve Napier, Programs Officer, took on Ana’s responsibilities — many of you have already had contact with her through our membership or scholarships programs. Ms. Avril Jackson retired last month as senior editor of the IAHPC Newsletter. Avril held this role for three years, edited our bios, and provided guidance and advice on the organization’s press releases and reports. We hope that our paths meet again sometime in the near future with both of them.

On a happy note, we are glad to welcome Ms. Alison Ramsey as the new senior editor of this IAHPC Newsletter. Alison worked for many years as managing editor of the Journal of Palliative Care, so she is not new to the field. We welcome Alison to the IAHPC team and look forward to working together in her exciting role. More about Alison on her note in this edition.

We could not have been able to achieve all the above and much more without the generous support of our board of directors, our members, donors, foundations, and organizations. We are especially grateful to Atlantic Philanthropies, Open Society Foundations, Pettus Foundation, and the U.S. Cancer Pain Relief Committee for their support.

All our donors and supporters believe in IAHPC’s mission and in our goal to have an impact on the promotion and development of palliative care. Our ability to continue to help others depends heavily on the support we receive from all, so please consider donating to IAHPC. You can donate through our website here.

We face many challenges in the future, especially our long-term sustainability. We are aware that there are financial constraints and have prepared ourselves to meet these challenges. Our strong commitment to supporting the development of palliative care around the world will continue to be our driving force. We wish to thank all those who make our work worthwhile — patients and their families, health care workers, and the dedicated volunteers who give so much to palliative care.

We are also extremely grateful to our small staff of workers, who continue to work tirelessly to ensure that IAHPC achieves its mission and delivers on its promises. And to the Board of Directors for their guidance and wisdom in helping us perform our jobs better.

Best wishes to all of you, your friends and family members for the coming holidays and we hope that next year will bring happiness and success to all.


Lukas Radbruch, MD
Chair, Board of Directors

Liliana De Lima, MHA
Executive Director

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