2017; Volume 18, No 9, September
Resources and Announcements
Each month, we publish a limited selection of items that may be of interest to our global readership. Contributions are welcomed but please observe the following:
- Content should describe opportunities to advance palliative care and improve knowledge, skills and networking, e.g. education and training, travel grants, access to online resources, etc.
- 150 words maximum.
- Content must be relevant to a global audience.
- Copy deadline: 21st of each month.
- Please submit your copy to the editor, together with a JPEG image, eg conference logo. We reserve the right to edit content.
Please also consider promoting your education and training events in the IAHPC Global Directory of Education in Palliative Care. It’s quick and easy – just submit your content online.
Language matters – new resource on IAHPC website
The use of inappropriate language and words can be a barrier to access to medicines for the legitimate use of opioids, such as treatment of pain and opioid dependence. Referring to a person as a “substance abuser” or an “addict” rather than “a person with substance use disorder” evokes stigma and there is evidence that it reduces patients’ access to appropriate treatment.
A new section on the IAHPC website includes links to articles, videos and resources that provide guidance on the appropriate use of terminology.
The content of this section is generously provided by Dr. Willem Scholten, PharmD MPA, who is a global advocate for access to opioids for legitimate needs and the elimination of barriers that interfere with this access.
Please visit Language matters on the IAHPC website and feel welcome to contribute more resources.
Job vacancy – Senior Editor for the IAHPC Newsletter
The International Association for Hospice and Palliative Care (IAHPC) is seeking a skilled Senior Editor, who supports the IAHPC mission and vision, to manage the production of our monthly newsletter.
The IAHPC Newsletter (NL) covers topics related to the progress, challenges, resources, solutions and opportunities for the advancement of palliative care and hospice care around the world. The NL is published electronically before the 10th of every month on the IAHPC website. A shorter version is also emailed to approximately 8,000 people across the world with links to each article on the website.
Skills required: Experience as an editor or in a relevant role, strong editing, writing and proofing skills; proficiency in English and in the use of Word, emailing and Internet. The successful applicant will be expected to work from home via email – on average 20 hours per month, with the bulk of the work carried out in the final ten days of the month.
This post becomes vacant in November 2017 upon the retirement of the current senior editor. Deadline to apply: September 30, 2017. Candidates will be informed of the decision in October 2017.
For more information about the role and how to apply, please visit our website.
Breaking news … IAHPC/WHO Policy Brief
IAHPC is collaborating with the World Health Organization to present a webinar for palliative care providers about how to write a policy brief. We will make this information available to members very soon and will send out a specific call with the criteria and instructions on how to apply. Look out for more information!
Palliative and Supportive Care in Oncology Symposium: Register Today
Register and reserve your hotel today for this year’s Palliative and Supportive Care in Oncology Symposium taking place October 27-28, 2017 in San Diego, California. The symposium will bring nearly 40 expert faculty from the palliative and supportive care community, who will lead the discussion and offer new insights on a variety of educational topics including symptom science, immunotherapy, challenges in prescribing opioids, and sexual health.
Abstract sessions, including dedicated oral abstract presentations and two all-day poster sessions, will showcase the latest research in palliative and supportive care and its impact on patients with cancer. Formal networking opportunities will allow for increased interaction with colleagues across specialties.
Hotel Reservation and Early Registration Deadline: September 20 at 11:59 PM (EDT).
International Palliative Care Network Conference 2017 held under the auspices of the European Association for Palliative Care
Call for Abstracts: Extended deadline: October 15, 2017
Moving knowledge across borders. The International Palliative Care Network Conference 2017 convenes palliative care experts from around the world at a virtual conference consisting of plenary speakers, lectures, and a poster exhibition.
Expand the audience of your work, gain exposure to an international wealth of knowledge, understand the perspective of interdisciplinary professionals, and network with colleagues at an international level. Conference Dates: November 15 – December 15, 2017.
Palliative Care Network (PCN) is now accepting abstracts to be considered for the International Palliative Care Network Conference (IPCNC) – 2017 – Lecture Series and Poster Exhibition.
Palliative care professionals from all disciplines and regions of the world are encouraged to participate by presenting lectures and posters.
1st, 2nd, and 3rd place poster awards sponsored by International Association for Hospice and Palliative Care.
Expand your audience – submissions from past conferences are accepted.
E-certificate awarded to first author of posters and lectures. Click here for the list of speakers, abstract submission guidelines, and more.
IAPCON 2018 – 25th Annual Conference of the Indian Association for Palliative Care – 23 to 25 February 2018, Delhi, India
The growing recognition of the importance of palliative care is reflected in the title chosen for the Silver Jubilee Conference of the Indian Association for Palliative Care (IAPC) – Create, Collaborate and Communicate. The Organizing Committee of the 25th International Conference of the IAPC and All India Institute of Medical Sciences invite doctors, nurses, paramedical staff, volunteers and anyone who is involved in the care of people with chronic illness to join them at the conference.
Submit your abstracts online until 30 October 2017.
For more information please visit the IAPCON2018 website.
Or contact Dr. Sushma Bhatnagar.
Or Mrs. Surita Kumari.
10th World Research Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care (EAPC) – Abstract submission closes 15 October 2017
The EAPC welcomes all researchers to the 10th World Research Congress in Bern, Switzerland, 24-26 May 2018. A large part of the scientific programme is based on submitted abstracts. The online system is open for submission here with submission deadline 15 October 2017. Abstracts within all research areas of palliative care are accepted, from all professions.
Registration is now open at the congress website. Before 16 March 2018 there are discounts on all registration categories.
Early Researcher Awards
Application forms and criteria for the Early Researcher Awards are now available online. Application deadline for all awards is 15 November 2017.