2015; Volume 16, No 8, August


Each month, we publish a limited selection of items that we feel will be of interest to our global readership. Content is welcomed but please observe the criteria for inclusion:

BuildCARE Africa– new scholarship opportunities for African scholars to study at the Cicely Saunders Institute, King’s College London, UK

One MSc scholarship: the ‘Sir Halley Stewart Scholar’ and one PhD: the ‘Open Society Foundations Scholar’

Applications are invited for these two new scholarships to enable high calibre students from Africa to study for an MSc or a PhD in Palliative Care at King’s College London commencing January 2016. Both are for full-time study (MSc one year, PhD three years).

King’s College London is committed to opening doors to excellence for gifted and talented students from all over the world and these scholarships will benefit students who for financial reasons would otherwise be unable to attend. Each scholarship will fund the course tuition fees, travel, accommodation and living expenses. Additional research costs are available for the PhD student.

For both scholarships you must currently be working in palliative care or palliative medicine in Africa – in clinical or social care, in practice or research; you must be able to achieve the English Language test standards required by King’s College London, and be a citizen of an African country and currently resident in Africa.

For more detailed information, please contact:
Dr Richard Harding’s Executive Assistant, email: [email protected]

Deadline for the MSc or PhD: Friday 18 September 2015.

NEW on the Palliative Care Network Community website – interviews with current and former CEOs of the European Association for Palliative Care (EAPC)

Dr Julie Ling: Looking Into the future

In this interview, Dr Julie Ling, the new CEO of EAPC, shares her vision for the organization and the future of palliative care in Europe, and her take on the Palliative Care Network Conference, which has been hosted under the auspices of the EAPC for many years.

Heidi Blumhuber: A tribute to her leadership

Heidi Blumhuber, who served as the CEO of the EAPC for more than 20 years, shares her experiences during her tenure.

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