2014; Volume 15, No 10, October

Reflections of the Board

Two IAHPC board members recently received awards and recognitions. IAHPC celebrates these well deserved recognitions and congratulates Doctor Rajagopal and Professor Downing.

Professor M.R. Rajagopal (India) has received the Human Rights Watch's Alison Des Forges Award

The Human Rights Watch's Alison Des Forges Award which celebrates the valor of individuals who put their lives on the line to protect the dignity and rights of others. Human Rights Watch collaborates with these courageous activists to create a world in which people live free of violence, discrimination, and oppression. Dr. M. R. Rajagopal is a leading palliative care physician from India who, for more than 20 years, has battled conditions that cause patients to suffer severe pain unnecessarily.

Additional information about the award is available in the HRW website.

Dr. Rajagopal is a Lifetime Adviser to the IAHPC board. Read his bio.

Professor Julia Downing was awarded the Robert Tiffany Nursing Lectureship

The Robert Tiffany Lectureship.award honors those within cancer nursing who have made a significant contribution to cancer practice, education, research or management at a national, regional and/or international level.

Professor Downing received the award in Panama City, at the 18th International Conference on Cancer Nursing. An interview was published in ehospice, where she commented:

"...we need to push forward, to step out of our comfort zones and to move on for what we believe in. Many of us have big dreams, seemingly impossible dreams, and yet we push on together to bring those dreams into reality."

To read the full interview visit the ehospice website

Professor Downing is a member of the IAHPC board. Read her bio.

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