2014; Volume 15, No 1, January


15th World Congress on Pain - Call for Poster Abstracts and Financial Aid

The 15th World Congress on Pain will take place October 6 – 11, 2014 in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

In January 2014, IASP will issue a call for poster abstracts. Only IASP members are allowed to sponsor poster abstracts to be presented at the World Congress on Pain.

View complete instructions for poster abstract submission.

Financial aid applications will also open in January 2014. Financial aid to attend the congress is only available to IASP members from developing countries, countries with currency exchange restrictions, or trainees in developed countries.

View complete guidelines for financial aid applications.

Registration will open in February 2014. Reduced registration rates will be offered to members of IASP.

Regular updates on the Congress at:

First international data on opioid availability published in Annals of Oncology. Untreated cancer pain shows a ‘scandal of global proportions’ by ESMO-led collaborative opioid survey

Results from the Global Opioid Policy Initiative (GOPI) project have just been published in Annals of Oncology and reveal that due to a lack of access to inexpensive and effective essential opioids more than 4 billion people (that is, over half the world population) live in countries where regulatory barriers leave cancer patients suffering excruciating pain.

“National governments must take urgent action to improve access to these medicines,” says the European Society for Medical Oncology.

“The next step is for international and national organisations working alongside governments and regulators to thoughtfully address the problems,” agree the two lead authors of the study, Nathan Cherny, Chair of the ESMO Palliative Care Working Group, and James Cleary, Director of the Pain and Policy Studies Group in Wisconsin, USA.

The survey results are available at http://www.esmo.org/Policy/Global-Opioid-Policy-Initiative/Research-Study

MASCC/ISOO 2014 International Symposium

Being held during June 26-28 2014 in Miami, Florida, USA, the symposium will spotlight excellent science and cutting edge research aimed at enhancing the lives of people coping with cancer.

The combined expertise of the world’s premier oncology medical, surgical, and radiology physicians, nurses, pharmacists, social workers, dieticians, outcomes specialists, psychologists, statisticians, infectious disease specialists and other allied health professionals will be harnessed in order to facilitate a robust exchange of ideas and information on the clinical management and basic science aspects of supportive care in cancer.

More information at: http://w3.kenes-group.com/mailshot/congress/MASCC2014/ms1.html

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