2012; Volume 13, No 11, November


Call for nominations - IAHPC Board of Directors

The International Association for Hospice and Palliative Care (IAHPC) is proud to announce a public call for nominations to 7 seats in the IAHPC Board of Directors. IAHPC members (formally termed members) are invited to nominate health professionals actively working in hospice and palliative care who have a demonstrated interest in the development of international palliative care initiatives and issues.

Criteria for nominees:
Nominees may be located in any country, have academic backgrounds and must fulfill the following criteria:

Criteria for nominators:

Must be an active member of IAHPC at the time of nomination

Nomination rules:

We invite members to participate in this important process by nominating a candidate. You may join or renew through our website by clicking here.

After the nomination, candidates may be contacted by the governance committee for additional information.

The term of the new directors will begin on January 1, 2013 and will end December 31, 2015. The directors will be elected by a vote of the current Directors and will be announced in December 2012.

We look forward to your participation in this process to nominate candidates.

Governance Committee
IAHPC Board of Directors


IAHPC Members Recognition Prizes Winners

We are very glad to announce the winners of our Members Recognition Prizes. The prizes were awarded in two categories:

1) Recognizing loyalty

Bishnu D. Paudel, MD is 50 years old, married and has two sons. He lives in Nepal which has population of about 30 millions in which there is not a single qualified full time palliative care physician. He works as an oncologist and a palliative care physician. He is n associate professor of oncology in National Academy of Medical Sciences and a consultant in Thankot Hospice.

He runs various teaching activities in palliative care. He is a mentor at the International Pain Policy Fellowship of Pain Policy Study Group in University of Wisconsin, a fellow of International Leadership in Palliative Care of Institute of Palliative Medicine in San Diego, and a Review Panel Member of WHO guideline on pharmacological treatment of persistent pain in adults.

The information and resources of the IAHPC are very useful to my development and that of palliative care in our country. Liliana DeLima, the Executive Director of IAHPC, was always helpful to me in my various palliative care activities; she helped to establish the Nepalese Association of Palliative Care, and as a mentor in International Pain Policy Fellowship Program she guided us to improve opioid availability and accessibility in Nepal.

2) Increasing the number of members

The International Palliative Care Leadership Development Initiative aims to "grow global leaders, advance palliative care” through skill-building and mentorship of emerging palliative care physician leaders from around the world, including Africa, Central Asia, Eastern Europe, Latin America, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia.

Emerging palliative care leaders are identified who are motivated and positioned to take advantage of this structured skill-building initiative. All the physicians who participate in the LDI are becoming the next generation of national, regional and global palliative care leaders.

Two cohorts of international leaders have benefited from this program. Cohort 1 has completed the training and Cohort 2 is currently in process with expected completion in December 2013.

Additional information about the LDI program, the leaders, mentors and funders can be found in the LDI website.

Many thanks to the LDI and especially to Dr. Frank Ferris for supporting IAHPC.

Click here to learn about of the IAHPC’s member benefits

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