Add Program

Thank you for contributing to the growth of the Directory of Educational Programs in Palliative Care. Your interest in adding a new program is appreciated.

Please note: This form must be submitted in English. If you submit it in another language, it will be translated by the IAHPC office.

Program information

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Submit only if the educational program is anchored in an academic institution and it leads to a formal degree or certificate. To add any other type of event, submit to our Calendar of Events.

Maximum 200 words
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Describe the three main learning objectives of this activity. Learning objectives are brief statements that describe what students will be expected to learn by the end of school year, course, unit, lesson, project, or class period.

Maximum 200 words
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Maximum 200 words
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Maximum 200 words
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Contact information

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The person who is responsible for updating the program information and answering questions related to the listing.
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Institution information

Name of organization/university/academic institution
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No postal box please, the street address is needed for the exact geolocation in the map.
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