Message from the Chair and Vice-Chair
Dear readers:
Hello to all.
This month William and I will comment on several issues.
Our Executive Director, Liliana De Lima, is on family leave caring for her mother who is receiving medical treatment for a serious illness. Due to the demanding caregiving tasks she has limited time to carry on some of the many activities and responsibilities of IAHPC that she normally does. We wish and hope for the best possible resolution of her mother’s health status. We look forward to the time when Liliana will be full-time. Her partial and temporary absence highlights once again the tremendous administrative and managerial work she singularly does for us. Many thanks Liliana for your commitment and dedication to IAHPC.
We are currently working on development of the next year's budget. We depend on membership and donations from members and entities to support our work. This situation provides an important opportunity for you, our members, to collaborate with us. We encourage you to ask friends and colleagues from the palliative care community to join IAHPC. Please do not leave aside this important opportunity to help our organization to increase revenue through memberships dues and donations. IAHPC needs and deserves your feedback, suggestions and financial support.
An IAHPC Fundraising Committee was recently convened and is composed of board members William Farr, Frank Ferris (Chair), Pesach Shvartzman, Stein Kaasa and Roberto Wenk. The committee is working hard and we thank them for their invaluable support. We feel positive that this will result in extraordinary opportunities for IAHPC.
On another note, as many of you know, IAHPC is establishing formal relations with the World Health Organization (WHO). This past Monday WHO convened a meeting of NGOs to receive consultation and to develop an agenda for a high-level meeting of the UN General Assembly on the Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases which will take place in Geneva in September 2011. IAHPC was represented by Dr. Florian Strasser, an IAHPC board member from St Gallen, Switzerland. Dr. Strasser attended the meeting to advocate for the inclusion of palliative care and access to pain relief medications in the agenda of this meeting. Other organizations representing palliative care and ready access to opioids for medical needs were the Worldwide Palliative Care Alliance and the Union for International Cancer Control. Many thanks to Dr. Strasser for representing IAHPC.
Best wishes to all and until next month,
Roberto Wenk, MD
Chair, Board of Directors
William Farr, PhD, MD
Vice-Chair, Board of Directors
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