Webmaster's Corner
Anne Laidlaw - IAHPC Webmaster
IAHPC News 13 Year Anniversary !
This issue marks the 13th anniversary of the IAHPC newsletter, which began life on April, 1996. I hope that you have enjoyed the newsletter these past 13 years, over the years our readership has grown to 8000+ subscribers. A big thank you to the editor, Dr. Bill Farr for his loyal and unfailing service as our sole newsletter editor from 1996 to present. Thank you to all who have contributed over the last 13 years, you have helped make the newsletter exciting and informative.
Keep your eyes on the site!
Keep your eyes open on the IAHPC website there will be some exciting news and developments on the site in the next few weeks!
IAHPC Site Map helps you navigate through our website.
Until next month!
Anne Laidlaw
IAHPC Webmaster
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