2009; Volume 10, No 3, March




Main Index:

IAHPC's Homepage

News Table of Contents

Message from the Chair and Executive Director

Welcome Dr. Florian Strasser (Switzerland) to the IAHPC Board

Regional Reports: Saudi Arabia and Asia

Palliative Care Book of the Month and Book Reviews

Human Rights Watch calls on the UN

Conferences and Meetings

Webmaster’s Corner

Donate to the IAHPC

IAHPC Newsletter Team

William Farr, PhD, MD

Liliana De Lima, MHA

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Layout and Distribution

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Conferences and Meetings

World Hospice and Palliative Care Day and Voices for Hospices

World Hospice and Palliative Care Day and Voices for Hospices is taking place on 10 October 2009 with events and activities celebrating and supporting hospice and palliative care around the world.

Registration is open on the website so please post your activities. The form is very simple and only takes five minutes to complete. You can upload a document and include a link to your website if you wish.

Once you have registered, your event will be displayed on the website and will be listed in the formal evaluation of the day.

Remember, the website is the main source of information for everyone around the world to find out what is going on in their area, so please make sure information about your event is included.

Register and show your activities on the World Day website. http://www.worldday.org/events/

Pediatric Pain Master Class Scholarships

This seminar offers state of the art education in pain management for the pediatric patient from a holistic and multidisciplinary perspective. The program features a faculty of internationally recognized experts, who will cover pharmacological, medical, psychosocial, and integrative therapies in the management of children’s acute and complex / chronic pain. Pain assessment and management of somatic, visceral, neuropathic, and psychosocial/spiritual pain as well as end-of-life management of pain and distressing symptoms will be discussed in depth using lectures, workshops and small-group approach.

The Master class is primarily designed for physicians and advanced practice nurses to develop their expertise in the field of pain management and/or palliative care in a highly interactive seminar format. Space is limited.

Scholarships for applicants from developing countries for the Pediatric Pain Master Class, Minneapolis, MN, USA (June 21-26, 2009) are funded by The Foundation of Children's Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota.
The Children's Institute for Pain and Palliative Care (CIPPC) will be able to offer two scholarships for physicians or advanced practice nurses from a developing country currently working in the field of pediatric pain and/or palliative care.

This 2-week International Scholarship includes:

(1) Airfare to and from Minneapolis/St. Paul
(2) Hotel accommodation
(3) Participation at the Pediatric Pain Master Class, Minneapolis, MN, USA (June 21-26, 2009)
(4) 1-week practicum with the Pain & Palliative Care Team at Children's Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota (June 29-July 3, 2009)

To apply for this scholarship, please contact:
Children's Institute for Pain and Palliative Care (CIPPC)
Pain & Palliative Care
Children's Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota
Bridget McMahon, Administrative Assistant
2525 Chicago Ave S
Minneapolis, MN 55404

E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: (+1) 612-813-6450 Fax: (+1) 612-813-6361

For more information about our program, visit our website at

The National Institutes of Health ( USA) is spending less on pain research.

Read article, Trends in Funding for Research on Pain: A Report on the National Institutes of Health Grant Awards Over the Years 2003 to 2007” in The Journal of Pain http://www.jpain.org/article/PIIS1526590008007682/fulltext

4th Worldwide Summit for National Associations of Hospice and Palliative Care

Dear all

We are delighted to announce that the 4 th Worldwide Summit for National Associations of Hospice and Palliative Care will be taking place in Vienna from 5-6 May 2009. The aim of this summit is to bring together national and regional hospice leaders to interact and learn from each other.  The key focus of the Summit will be on leadership. This event will also see the official launch of the Worldwide Palliative Care Alliance.


Registration for the next Worldwide Summit is now open. Click here to ->Find out more about the Summit including the draft programme and register your participation or on the link below.


We very much look forward to seeing you in Vienna.

Please do not hesitate to contact Salma Master at [email protected] if you have any questions.

Best wishes
Claire Morris

International Advocacy and Programmes Manager, Help the Hospices
34-44 Britannia Street
London WC1X 9JG
Tel: +44(0)207 520 8250 Fax: +44(0)207 7278 1021

Article: Referring a Patient and Family to High-Quality Palliative Care at the Close of Life

Joan M. Teno, MD, MS; Stephen R. Connor, PhD
JAMA.  2009;301(6):651-659.

Read article at the following link: http://tinyurl.com/c6wenb

6th Congress of the European Federation of IASP(c) Chapters (EFIC)

Lisbon, Portugal, September 9-12, 2009 http://tinyurl.com/amdrxq

For a list of the Refresher Course titles at this conference

Upcoming Programmes at St. Christopher’s Hospice

Multi-professional week in palliative care at St. Christopher’s

This established course provides an opportunity for health and social care professionals from a variety of settings and countries to work together on exploring the key principles of palliative care and multi-professional working. It will enable members to develop greater confidence in the practice of their palliative care skills within their own clinical area and in multi-professional teams.

18-22 May 2009 and 9-13 November 2009 At St. Christopher’s in London

Course Code: MPW0509 Cost: £700. For programme information and to book your place, Tel: 020 8768 4656, Fax: 020 8776 5838, or complete Online Booking Form: www.stchristophers.org.uk/bookingform


Contact: [email protected]

Palliative care in Italy and the UK: learning together

Friday, June 26, 2009

At St. Christopher’s in London

A one-day intensive study day held in Italian. Speakers will present their lectures in Italian or through an interpreter. If you are a health professional (doctor, nurse, care assistant, pharmacist, psychologist, chaplain or social worker) or an administrator and have always wanted to come to St Christopher's but the language has stopped you ... this is your opportunity!

Course Code: ITC0609 Cost: £125. St Christopher's Hospice, London,
Tel: 020 8768 4656, Fax: 020 8776 5838,

Contact: [email protected]

German day at St Christopher's: putting palliative care into practice

Friday, September 11, 2009 at St. Christopher’s Hospice, London

This day will present some recent research and service developments at St Christopher's. Speakers will include experienced clinicians in palliative medicine, palliative nursing, creative therapies and psycho-social-spiritual care.

Course Code: GD0909 Cost: £125. St Christopher's Hospice, London,
Tel: 020 8768 4656, Fax: 020 8776 5838

Contact: [email protected]

Friday visits to St Christopher's Hospice

Dates: 3 April, 8 May, 12 June, 17 July, 4 September, 9 October, 6 November, or 11 December 2009

Friday visits offer a learning and networking opportunity and provide fascinating insights into the world of hospices and palliative care. All programmes include a range of talks, a tour of the hospice, library, bookshop and a brief visit to a ward. Most groups comprise a diverse range of professionals and volunteers connected by their interest in palliative care.

Course Code: FFV09 Cost: £50. St Christopher's Hospice, London,
Tel: 020 8768 4656, Fax: 020 8776 5838

Contact: [email protected]

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