Use of IAHPC Name, Acronym and Logo

The name International Association for Hospice and Palliative Care, the IAHPC acronym, and the IAHPC logo, are copyrighted by the IAHPC and protected by law. The use of its name, acronym, and logo for purposes different than those approved by the IAHPC is strictly forbidden, and IAHPC’s consent to use its name, acronym and logo may not be transferred or assigned to any other party under any condition or event. 

IAHPC’s name and the IAHPC logo may not be used in any programs or activities not sanctioned by the IAHPC.

No individual IAHPC member or group of IAHPC members may authorize use of the IAHPC name or logo by another organization for any activity that is not in compliance with this policy.


IAHPC members and staff must use the IAHPC name and/or logo in the conduct of Board-approved IAHPC programs, projects, publications, and other official documents. This includes all official IAHPC website and publications. 

Use by individual members

IAHPC individual members may use the IAHPC member certificate on email signatures, online profiles and resumes to signify their membership with the IAHPC while their membership is current. This benefit may not be shared with other individuals or institutions which are not IAHPC members. The membership may not be used in a manner to imply IAHPC endorsement or any individual or product or service.

Use by institutional members

IAHPC institutional members may use the IAHPC Membership Seal on their websites and social media pages, to signify their membership in IAHPC. This benefit may not be shared with other individuals or institutions who are not IAHPC members. The Membership seal may not be used in a manner to imply IAHPC endorsement of any institution, accreditation, or service.

Compliance with other IAHPC policies

Beyond this policy, use of the IAHPC name and/or logo must follow any other conditions set forth in other IAHPC policies.


If the IAHPC’s name, acronym and/or logo is used for a purpose different than intended and/or without permission from the IAHPC as per the conditions above, the person responsible must remove the name/logo from all websites, publications, pamphlets, or other written materials, immediately after requested by the IAHPC office.